LC Biology

Hints, tips and resources to supplement your learning in Leaving Cert Biology

Helpful Websites: 

This website is a super resource as it contains notes on all of the topics on the LC Biology course. It is meant to be used as a supplement to your textbook... ( 

This may be useful when studying ecology... ( 

It also contains a list of podcasts from Terry Flanagan and other videos on Leaving Cert Biology topics such as exam paper organisation, the scientific method, food, ecology, and DNA structure...( 

The Biology Syllabus contains an outline of the course... 
You can find some nice neat and tidy summary guidelines in here... 
And the background notes on all of the experiments... 

Some international websites: 

Click4Biology Videos (youtube channel)  

Specific topics: 

Enzyme immobilisation experiment (youtube video)

Ted Ed Videos: 

How sugar affects the brain (video
The physics of the hardest move in ballet (video
What would happen if you didn't drink water? (video
The Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks (video
The Science of Skin Colour (video
How menstruation works (video
The beneficial bacteria that make delicious food (video
How do carbohydrates affect your health? (video
Why do we dream? (video
What is the difference between a science law and theory? (video
How do solar panels work? (video)
How does anesthesia work? (video)
How mucous keeps us healthy (video)
What makes muscles grow? (video)  
How blood pressure works (video)
Why do some people go bald? (video)
The race to sequence the human genome (video)
What happens when your DNA is damaged? (video)    

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