Tuesday 12 April 2016

The Eye

Abby has done some great work researching the eye... well done Abby! 

The Eye:

  • The eye is a very important part of the body it lets us see things. The eye consists of many different parts, Each of these parts has a different function:
Different parts of the eye:
  • SCLERA-  This is the opaque layer on the outside of the eye, its function is to protect the eye.
  • CORNEA- This part of the eye acts like a window, it controls and focuses the amount of light allowed into the eye.
  • PUPIL- This is the part of the eye which light passes through.
  • LENS- This is the part that lets us see shapes as they are and at different distances, it allows the real image to be formed at the retina.
  • IRIS- This is the coloured part of the eye, it helps control the amount of light entering the eye. when the light is bright, this part of the eye closes the pupil to let in less light and when there is low light this part of the eye opens the pupil to let in more light.
  • CILIARY BODY- This part of the eye realeases a clear liquid called aqueous humor, it also changes the shape of the lens when your eye focuses on something.
  • CHOROID- This part of the eye looks mainly at helping the outer layers of the retina, it also controls heat and pressure, whilst absorbing excess light to try and avoid reflection.
  • RETINA- This part of the eye is a light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye, it converts light energy that reaches it into signals which are then sent to the brain by the optic nevre.
  • FOVEA CENTRALIS- This part of the eye is tiny but responsible for providing us with our most clearest, sharpest vision, by having a healthy fovea, it is the key to reading, watching T.V, driving and other activities that need to see things in detail. this part of the eye has no blood vessels. 
  • OPTIC NERVE- This part of the eye transfers visual images (what we see) to the brain from the retina through electrical impulses, it is made up of nerve cells.
  • SUSPENSORY LIGAMENT- This is the part that supports the eye, it forms a hammock beneath the eyeball for this support.
  • BLOOD VESSELS- These are capillaries and arteries throughout the eye.
  • OPTIC DISC (BLIND SPOT)- This is the part of the eye where the *ganglion cell axons* leave the eye, because there is nothing overlying this, it results in a blind spot in each eye.

The Optic Nerve (Blind Spot):

  • To find your blind spot here is a quick experiment:
Close left eye and look at cross, what happens to dot?

- Put your right hand over your right eye, and stare at the black dot.
- Move closer or further away, and you will find you can't see the ➕ anymore, this is because that is your blind spot!

The Retina:
  • Here is a picture of Miss McCarthy's retina:


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