Wednesday 27 January 2016

Serious Science: Blood Moon Eclipse

This amazing article was researched and written by Saoirse Flanagan.   

On the night of September 27th a Total Lunar* Eclipse of a Super Full Moon was visible in North America, South America, West Africa and here in Europe. So what is a total lunar eclipse? It is when the moon appears darkened as it passes into the earth shadow that is cast from the sun behind the earth; the Sun, Earth and Moon to form a straight line.


The eclipse in September was especially rare because it was an eclipse of a Supermoon. This meant that the moon was at its closest point to the earth, therefore looking larger and brighter to us on earth. No special equipment was needed to view this eclipse and protective eye wear also wasn’t necessary.

A Total Lunar Eclipse can also be called a Blood Moon because the earth’s atmosphere refracts* sunlight and lights up the moon surface. Only the longer wavelengths of the light spectrum reach the surface and therefore giving it its red colour.* A Blood Moon is also commonly used to describe a tetrad. What is a tetrad you ask, it is four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six full moons.

*Refraction-The bending of light when it goes from one medium to another.

*Lunar-Something relating to the moon.

*Light Spectrum and wavelengths-To read more click here.


Picture sources:

Teacher's note:

Thank you Saoirse for this fantastic article!
Submissions are welcome from all students in Coláiste Muire. Call into the computer room at Tuesday lunchtime to meet the blog team and get started.

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